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The AlIXEN LITEwas esta blished in2004. lt is a collection of design , research and development, ploductsales of the intelligent high -tech enterprise.AIXEN LITE mainly serves five-star hotels prov iding lighdesign and poduction and covering 30,000 square meters.AlXEN LITE has a professional design Rteam , m odern laboratory and effic ient p roductivity to ensure to meet the nceds of different lighapplic ations for ourc ustomers.


We foc us on independent research and dev elopmentand obtaining a number of product patents.p rovide ODM lighting p roducts for fam ous brandssuch as Panasonic,OSROM,SONY, GIANT,an d MuJl with our professional research and develo pment ca pabilities. A sound researcdevelopment, quality control and production system enables every customer to enjoy mp rofessional and quality service for 17years.Theclient*ssatisfaction is always the first goal.

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Address:No.166 Fu Tang Rd., Tang Xia Yong Communtry, 518105, Song Gang Street, Bao An District, Shen Zhen City, Guang Dong, China

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